The Roster Sports Club and Grill’s Dish Out the Kindness fundraiser raised $5,000 that will be split between the Upper Room Mission and Kalamalka Starfish Pack Program.
Sixty-four Aldergrove Starfish backpacks went home on Friday, Dec. 4 with the added bonus of early winter wear; a hand-knitted scarves, mittens, or toques fashioned by two dedicated volunteers.
Delta Firefighters donate $5000 to South Delta Starfish through t-shirt fundraiser.
Plants will be available Dec. 7 or later for pick-up and delivery.
The City of Penticton will be proclaiming November as Starfish backpack month, a program that works throughout BC to help kids with food security.
Starfish has been very busy this year! From providing 500 emergency essential pantry boxes to families in May and June, to doubling the number of participants in our Summer Starfish program. With kids back to school, we’re happy to be launching our regular weekly backpack deliveries. Starfish has never stopped helping more families – now, more than ever before.
Reimagining Summer Starfish Packs presented many challenges as we continue to operate within the guidelines of Stage 3 Reopening. From sourcing volunteers to finding adequate storage and sorting space, many unknowns were met by a positive response from a generous community. We are excited to say that despite the challenges, we have officially launched our third year of our Summer Starfish program! This ensures families can receive help all year long, not just during the school year.
“Compared to providing for approximately 60 students at a small number of schools prior to the pandemic, the Starfish program now provides food packs to approximately 170 students at more schools.”
Empty bottles and cans are helping put food into the empty bellies of some Penticton kids.