in one hour the 100 Men raised and donated $7,100 to three charities serving Osoyoos, Penticton and the South Okanagan overall.
After a successful launch, Penticton is looking to expand its reach to feed children over the weekend!
Starfishpack has partnered with a local dentist to start the school year off with some extra help!
You can read the Langley Times article here:
Starfish Pack in Mission is making a difference. Read more about what’s happening here:
As we have often mentioned, we are very pleased to partner with Nourish Cowichan Society to assist needy students in Cowichan Valley School District 79. The School District is supporting Starfish Backpacks with donations from both teachers and trustees. Featured in the above picture is School Trustee Elizabeth Croft handing over her cheque to our Publicity guru, Kasi Johnson from 897 Juice FM. School Board Chairman Candace Spilsbury and School Trustee Rob Hutchins also donated to feed one child for a year. What marvelous support. Many thanks!
Nourish Cowichan and Starfish Cowichan both have the same goal: to help students reach their full potential by making sure they don’t go hungry.
Both groups are excited to announce that the Cowichan Valley Starfish Pack Program will now be operating through the Nourish Cowichan Society. These two non-profits have come together to strengthen and support each other in making sure that no child in the Cowichan Valley has to go without a meal.
Updated June 23 2017
In 1937, a small group of local lawyers came together committed to the idea of serving the small communities of Abbotsford and Chilliwack. Eighty years later, the law firm of Baker Newby is celebrating the milestone by making a major donation to those communities.
Baker Newby has announced the creation of a matching grant program in support of the Abbotsford and Chilliwack Starfish Pack programs. The program will match dollar for dollar all local donations received before the end of 2017, up to a maximum of $80,000. This amount will allow the Starfish Pack program to add 300 additional children to the weekend food program for the entire 2017-2018 school year.
Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Starfish Pack surpassed their $6,000 fundraising goal!