Chemainus Rotary Club has donated $2,500 towards the lunch program in School District #79 for the 2018-2019 school year. This means that between the Starfish Pack Program and the lunch program, children in Cowichan Valley will never have to worry about going hungry again.
100 Women Who Care are making a difference in Penticton through Starfish Pack!
Here’s a Chemanius Valley Courier article highlighting the great work of Starfish Pack!
Aldergrove Rotary Club enjoyed a full house for its annual Pasta Night fundraiser last week.
Local pilots make a difference feeding children over the weekend through Starfish Pack Aldergrove!
in one hour the 100 Men raised and donated $7,100 to three charities serving Osoyoos, Penticton and the South Okanagan overall.
Starfishpack has partnered with a local dentist to start the school year off with some extra help!
You can read the Langley Times article here:
Nourish Cowichan and Starfish Cowichan both have the same goal: to help students reach their full potential by making sure they don’t go hungry.
Both groups are excited to announce that the Cowichan Valley Starfish Pack Program will now be operating through the Nourish Cowichan Society. These two non-profits have come together to strengthen and support each other in making sure that no child in the Cowichan Valley has to go without a meal.
Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Starfish Pack surpassed their $6,000 fundraising goal!